send a signal

美 [send ə ˈsɪɡnəl]英 [send ə ˈsɪɡnəl]
  • 发送信号
send a signalsend a signal
  1. And it is only 40 light years from Earth meaning that it could be possible to send a signal .


  2. Now from another terminal , send a signal SIGHUP to kill it .


  3. The transmitters will send a signal automatically to a local base station


  4. You said we had to send a signal .


  5. To send a signal to all processes running inside a container


  6. Officials wanted to send a signal that they were taking action .


  7. They 're going to have to make a decision that will send a signal .


  8. Are you trying to send a signal to the Chinese people to think less about themselves and more about the community ?


  9. Then at least you should send a signal to base telling them that our man has not made contact .


  10. Early next morning , she heard planes passing overhead and wondered how she could send a signal .


  11. But it does send a signal that India is finally getting more serious about solving its looming energy security crisis .


  12. That 's one way that an extraterrestrial civilization can send a signal that stands up above the radio background noise .


  13. According the Schindler , in those cases , the full , round non-99 price may send a signal of a better buy .


  14. Their buying would send a signal to the private sector that Treasuries are underpinned by their biggest owners .


  15. What we wanted to do was send a signal that this was a different kind of programme in China , where east meets west .


  16. We have to send a signal of stability and I believe that we really can move forward concerning the new Greek-Programme .


  17. When it starts raining , the sensors send a signal to the electric drive , which opens the umbrella at a safe low speed .


  18. President Hollande says , if the Syrian governments isn 't punished , it would send a signal to other countries with chemical weapons .


  19. However , analysts suggested that the announcement of the first test sale in 24 years would send a signal to Russia following its move into Crimea .


  20. The sensor technology is able then to wirelessly send a signal to a liquid crystal , which is embedded between two layers of a contact lens .


  21. Temperature relay tests temperature of motor , if it exceeds rating temperature to send a signal , contactor cut off main circuit to complete protection of motor .


  22. After the work is done , send a signal to the queue with queue . task_done () that the task has been completed .


  23. Send a signal by waving a flag or a light according to a certain code . A white flag is used as a token of surrender .


  24. He says North Korea is trying to send a signal that strengthening the U.S. - South Korea alliance is not the best way to solve the nuclear issue .


  25. When an aroma is sensed , the molecules from the vapor interact with numerous receptors , causing them to send a signal to the brain .


  26. A British mission trying to find life on Mars suffered a second setback when its space probe again failed to send a signal to confirm it had landed .


  27. Divestment campaigners often say their objective is not so much financial as symbolic : they want to send a signal that fossil fuels are morally unacceptable .


  28. Well , what if you had a detector that was so small that it could circulate in your body , find the tumor all by itself and send a signal to the outside world ?


  29. The BRICS Leaders Meeting will send a signal of confidence , solidarity and cooperation to the international community , China 's Assistant Foreign Minister Wu Hailong told reporters this month .


  30. If supervise were to send a signal to kill its child process , the shell would receive the signal and exit , but the JVM would carry on running and become an orphan .
